Monday, February 17: DMS students begin study and performance preparation for Student Achievement Testing in June.
Saturday, February 8: Anne Decker-Beck is collaborative pianist with Lake Orion High School and International Academy OKMA Campus students at District MSBOA Solo and Ensemble Festival, Novi High School
Saturday, February 1: Anne Decker-Beck is collaborative pianist with Romeo High School Students at District Solo and Ensemble MSBOA Festival, Rochester High School.
Saturday, June 15, Anne Decker-Beck performs with Cynthia Forsgren for the Romeo United Methodist Church 200th Anniversary. 1:00 PM, RUMC 280 N. Main Street, Romeo, MI 48065 Sunday, June 30, 2:00 PM Student Achievement Testing at St. Paul's Episcopal Church, 11100 W. St. Clair, Romeo Masterclass at 2:45 with Flutist Jeffrey Beyer
Sunday, August 18, 2:00 PM: DMS Studio Recital, St. Paul's Episcopal Church, 11100 W. St. Clair St., Romeo
Sunday, October 20, 2:00 PM: DMS Fall Recital, St. Paul's Episcopal Church, 11100 W. St. Clair St., Romeo
Past Events
Sunday, March 12, 2023: Michigan Music Student Achievement Testing, at the Studio and St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Romeo
Sunday, June 11, 2023: 2:00 PM, Senior and Honors Student Recital
December 18, 2022: 2:00 PM, Studio Holiday Recital: 2:00 PM, St. Paul Episcopal Church, 11100 W. St. Clair Street, Romeo 48065
December 2, 2022: 6:00 PM "Ancient Carols for Advent", Anne Decker-Beck with Cynthia Forsgren, Romeo UMC, 280 N. Main St., Romeo 48065
Sunday, September 12, 2021, 1:30 PM: Studio Recital. Bruce Township Park Pavilion, 223 E. Gates St., Bruce Township, MI 48065
December 19, 2021, 2:00 PM, 2:00 PM: Studio Holiday Recital, St. Paul Episcopal Church, 11100 W. St.Clair Street, Romeo, MI 48065
March 20, 2022, 11:00 AM: Student Achievement Testing, Performances before Brandon LePage, Adjudicator. brandon
May 15, 2022: 2:00 PM Studio Honors Recital, St. Paul Episcopal Church, 11100 W. St. Clair Street, Romeo, MI 48065
August 28, 2022: 2:00 PM Studio Summer Recital, St. Paul Episcopal Church, 11100 W. St. Clair Street, Romeo, MI 48065
October 23, 2022: 2:00 PM Studio Fall Recital, St. Paul Episcopal Church, 11100 W. St. Clair Street, Romeo, MI 48065
March, 2021 Sunday, May 23, 1:30 Studio Recital, Bruce Township Park Pavilion Sunday, March 21, 2021 Student Achievement Testing
May 2020 2019-20 Student Achievement Testing Zoom Masterclasss with Brandon LePage
June 2019 June 17: Summer Semester Begins
July 2019 Tuesday, July 23: Southeastern Michigan Wind Ensemble Concert, 7:00 PM, Wildwood Amphitheater, 2700 Joslyn Rd, Lake Orion,
September 2019 September 3: Fall Semester Begins
October 2019 Saturday, October 5: SEMFA Flute Festival with Bonita Boyd, North Congregational Church, 36520 W. 12 Mile, Farmington Hills, Sunday, October 20: Fall Studio Recital, 2:00, PM, St. Paul Episcopal Church, 11100 W St. Clair Street, Romeo 48065
November 2019 Sunday, November 24: Southeastern Michigan Wind Ensemble Fall Concert, 3:00 PM, Clarkston High School, 6093 Flemings Rd,
December 2019 Friday, December 6: Advent Tea Flute and Piano Recital featuring Anne Beck and Cynthia Forsgren, 7:00 PM, Romeo United Methodist Church, 280 N. Main St., Sunday, December 15: Anne Beck performs "Celtic Christmas" with 1st Baptist Church of Davison Orchestra & Choir, 7:00PM. 208 E. 4th Street, Davison, Friday, December 13: DMS Holiday Flute Choir Performs, 6:30 PM, Wellbridge of Romeo 375 S. Main Street, Romeo 48065 Sunday, December 22: DMS Studio Recital, 2:00 PM, St. Paul Episcopal Church, 11100 W. St. Clair Street, Romeo 48065 Tuesday, December 24: Christmas Eve Prelude Music, DMS Christmas Flute Choir, Location TBA
January 2020 Monday, January 6: Winter Semester Begins Saturday, January 18: MSBOA Middle School Solo and Ensemble Festival Saturday, January 25: MSBOA High School Solo and Ensemble Festival
March 2020 Saturday, March 14, MSBOA High School State Solo and Ensemble Festival - Canceled Sunday, March 22: Michigan Teachers' Assn, Decker Music Studio Performance, Theory, Technique, Theory, Aural Theory Testing - Rescheduled, May 17 on Zoom Sunday, March 22:Studio Masterclass with Brandon LePage, Flutist. 1:15 - 2:45 PM, St. Paul's of Romeo, 11100 W. St. Clair Street 48065, Rescheduled to April 4, 1:00 PM by Zoom Sunday, March 20: 2:00 PM Studio Spring Recital, St. Paul Episcopal Church, 11100 W. St. Clair Street, Romeo, 48065 - Cancelled
April 2020 Saturday, April 4, 1:00 PM Flute Masterclass with BrandonLePage, hosted by Zoom April 18, District XVI, (including Lake Orion Community Schools) MSBOA Middle School Solo and Ensemble Festival. Waldon MS - Canceled
May 2020 Sunday, May 3: Southeastern Michigan Wind Ensemble Spring Concert, 3:00 PM. Clarkston High School, 6093 Flemings Rd., - Canceled Sunday, May 17: Michigan Teachers' Association, Student Achievement Testing on Zoom
June 2020 Sunday, June 7, 2:00 PM: Studio End of Year Honors Recital. St. Paul Episcopal Church, 11100 W. St. Clair Street, Romeo 48065 - Canceled Monday, June 22: Summer Semester Begins
August 2020 Monday, August 31: Fall 2020 Semester Begins, Online Learning
January 3: Winter Semester Begins
March 16: Michigan State Band and Orchestra High School State Solo and Ensemble Festival March 24: Spring Studio Recital, 2:00, St. Paul Episcopal Church, 11100 W. St. Clair Street, Romeo 48065 March 31: Annual Recital, Arvi Sinka Studios. Featuring works for solo piano and solo flute with piano. 3:00, 407 Randall Street, Troy
Wednesday, April 3: Taize Service, 7:00 PM, SS. John And Paul Roman Catholic Church, 7777 28 Mile Road, Washington 48094 April 11 - 14: Baldwin-Wallace Conservatory Bach Festival Featuring Mass in B Minor, BWV 232 and "Jesu, Meine Freude". Sunday, April 14: Palm Sunday/Holy Week Cantata "I Am Lord of the Dance", 7:00 PM, 1st Baptist Church, 208 E. 4th St., Davison, MI
May 5: Southeastern Michigan Wind Ensemble Spring Concert, 3:00 Pm, Clarkston High School, 6093 Flemings Road, Clarkston 48346. May 19: End-of-Year Honors Recital, 2:00, St. Paul Episcopal Church, 11100 W. St. Clair Street, Romeo 48065
June 17: Summer Semester Begins
2017-2018 January 13: MSBOA Middle School Solo and Ensemble Festival January 20: MSBOA High School Solo and Ensemble Festival
February 25: Metropolitan Detroit Musicians League Piano Student Achievement Testing, Oakland University, Varner Hall February 25: Southeast Michigan Flute Association present PANdemonium4, 2:00 PM, Living Word Church, Plymouth
March 18: Studio Recital, 2:00 PM, St. Paul Episcopal Church, 11100 W. St. Clair Street, Romeo 48065 March 19: Spring Semester Begins
April 14: Lake Orion Middle School Solo and Ensemble Festival, Waldon Middle School, 2509 Waldon Rd., Lake Orion, 48360 April 29: Southeastern Michigan Wind Ensemble Concert, 3:00 PM, Clarkston Jr. High Auditorium, 6595 Waldon Rd., Clarkston 48346
May 27: St. James Episcopal Church,355 W. Maple Road, Birmingham, 1:00 PM Lecture: "50 Unknown Flutists" with Tom Moore,
June 10: End-Of-Year Studio Honors Recital, 2:00, St. Paul Episcopal Church, 11100 W. St. Clair Street, Romeo 48065 June 11: Summer Semester Begins
July 24: Southeastern Michigan Wind Ensemble Concert, 7:00, Wildwood Amphitheater, 2700 Joslyn Court, Lake Orion 48360
September 10: Fall Semester Begins
October 6: 2018 Southeastern Michigan Annual Festival, 8 AM-6 PM, North Congregational Church, 36520 West 12 Mile Road, Farmington Hills, MI 48331. Featured Guest Artist: Jill Felber, more information: October 21: Fall Studio Recital, 2:00, St. Paul Episcopal Church, 11100 W. St. Clair Street, Romeo 48065
November 18: Southeastern Michigan Wind Ensemble Concert, 3:00 PM, Clarkston High School Auditorium, 6093 Flemings Road, Clarkston 48346 More information:
December 14: DMS Flute Choir Performs at 6:00 PM, Wellbridge of Romeo Senior Living, 375 S. Main Street, Romeo 48065 December 16: Studio Holiday Recital and Party, 2:00, St. Paul Episcopal Church, 11100 W. St. Clair Street, Romeo 48065 December 21: DMS Flute Choir Performance for Red Cross California Wildfire Relief, 4:00 PM Romeo Kroger, 64660 Van Dyke, Washington 48095 December 24: DMS Christmas Flute Choir Mass Prelude, 4:00 PM Ss. John and Paul Parish, 7777 28 Mile Road, Washington, 48095