"Flutist Anne Decker produces full romantic sonorities and flowing lines." - Wilma Salisbury of The Cleveland Plain Dealer
Anne Decker-Beck graduated Bachelor of Music, Flute Performance, from Baldwin-Wallace Conservatory of Music, Berea, Ohio, where she was privileged to study with William Hebert of the Cleveland Orchestra.
She achieved the following successes during baccalaureate studies: Winner of the B-W Concerto Competition as a Junior, Principal flutist B-W Symphony Orchestra, Flutist with the 50th, 51st and 52nd Bach Festival Orchestras, including the 50th Anniversary Bach Festival Kennedy Center broadcast tour on NPR and PBS. She was the featured solo artist performing in the premiere Cleveland Focus Festival of Contemporary Music. She performed with the St. Rene Goupil Parish Orchestra and Choir at the Private Papal Audience of Pope John Paul II, Vatican City in April 1990.
Mrs. Decker-Beck studied with Ervin Monroe of the Detroit Symphony Orchestra while in high school. Her post graduate work includes private study with Trevor Wye, Royal Northern College of Music, U.K, Amy Porter, Professor of Flute, University of Michigan. Mrs. Decker-Beck performed in Masterclasses with William Bennett, Bonita Boyd, Karl Kraber, Trevor Wye and Robert Aitken. She participated twice in Professor Amy Porter's Anatomy of Sound Workshop.
Mrs. Decker-Beck studied piano from the age of five. Her studies include a long tenure of musical development and pedagogy instruction under the tutelage of Arvi Sinka, PhD.
Anne Decker-Beck has completed the Music Together Teacher Training Workshop for children 2 - 8 Years Old (primarily Pre School Children) developed by the Center for Music and Young Children, Princeton, New Jersey. Information about this program:
Decker Music Studio was established in 1998. Anne Decker-Beck teaches private flute and piano lessons to students of all ages (click on age-specific pages for more information). She instructs band sectionals and student chamber music groups throughout Southeastern Michigan. Mrs. Decker-Beck's students earn the highest ratings at Michigan School Band and Orchestra Association Solo and Ensemble Festivals, in young artists' competitions, and in Michigan Music Teachers Association Annual Student Achievement Testing. Students perform in youth ensembles such as Oakland Youth Orchestra, Detroit Metropolitan Youth Symphony Orchestra, MSBOA Honors Band Programs, Detroit Civic Flute Ensemble and attend summer music camps at Interlochen and Blue Lake. While some students choose to study music at the advanced or collegiate level, others will view music as an enjoyable supplement to their academic pursuits.
Mrs. Decker-Beck is a freelance musician, performing as a soloist, chamber musician, and with area professional orchestral and wind ensembles. She has performed with large ensembles in the Metropolitan Detroit area including The Macomb Symphony, The International Symphony Orchestra (Windsor, Ontario, Canada), The Spectrum Orchestra, and Southeastern Michigan Wind Ensemble. Mrs. Beck performed as a chamber musician with the DecKalian Duo and Trio and as flutist with harpist Kelly Yousoufian of The Michigan Harp Center. She is the founder and artistic director of Concerts at St. Paul's Chamber Music Series.
Guest Lecturer in The Art of Music Pedagogy, Oakland University School of Music, Rochester, MI (2024) Mrs. Decker-Beck facilitates discussion groups and presents lectures on the topic of contemporary music pedagogy to undergraduate music-major students. Her areas of expertise include insights into establishing, maintaining and fostering growth within the private music studio workplace.
Flute Clinician, Lake Orion Community Schools and Rochester Community Schools (2012- 2025) Mrs. Decker-Beck teaches flute clinics for musical development of Middle- and High -School Bands. She coaches flute choirs and woodwind ensembles in preparation for competitions and events. She conducts sectional rehearsals for school and community concerts.
Accompanist, MSBOA Solo and Ensemble District And State Festivals (2000- to date) Mrs. Decker-Beck rehearses with, coaches and accompanies middle school and high school soloists from many districts in preparation and performance at MSBOA Solo and Ensemble. Book Mrs. Decker-Beck for your next accompanist by calling or texting: 586-255-9282.
Certified Music Instructor, Music Together Workshop Graduate (2013-to-date)
Music Together is an early childhood music and movement program for children from birth through age eight—and the grownups who love them! First offered in 1987, our music classes help little ones develop their innate musicality. This early childhood music curriculum has decades of research behind it, in both music education and child development. Children learn through play. Through this program, Mrs. Decker-Beck makes everything she does in class engaging and fun. This program also allows Mrs. Decker-Beck to tailor individual lessons tailored to private music lessons for pre-school children. www.musictogether.com
Artistic Director, Chamber Music at St. Paul's, Romeo (2014 - 2020) The St. Paul's Episcopal Church Chamber Music Series features local musicians in concert. For more information on the series and St. Paul's Church click on this website tab: "Our Partnership with St. Paul's, Romeo.* See the page: "Partnership with St. Paul's" on this website.
President, Southeast Michigan Flute Association (2014-2016) and Board Member (2012-2020) The Southeast Michigan Flute Association (SEMFA) is a non-profit flute organization that serves as a platform for students, amateurs, professionals, teachers and lovers of the flute to connect. Members include the Detroit Symphony Orchestra flute section, university and college professors, regional orchestral flutists, chamber musicians, and students of all ages. SEMFA hosts recitals, masterclasses, and an annual flute festival. For more information: www.semfa.org
Publicity Secretary, Board of Directors, Southeastern Michigan Wind Ensemble (2017- 2022) The Southeastern Michigan Wind Ensemble (SEMWE) was created to provide a performance and social outlet for music teachers and other similarly qualified musicians. Mrs. Decker-Beck worked with print, social and broadcast media to promote SEMWE quarterly performances.
Flute Section Leader, and Board Member, Southeastern Michigan Wind Ensemble (2017- 2021) Mrs. Beck played principal flute with Southeastern Michigan Wind Ensemble (SEMWE) during its inaugural year and the following four consecutive years. The mission of SEMWE is to educate and share music with the local community and to promote wind ensemble literature as a form of communication and cultural enrichment.
Adjudicator, Rachel Stornant Junior Artists Competition, Southeast Michigan Flute Association (2017 - 2019) The SEMFA Junior Artist Competition is an annual prize open to young Michigan flutists. Mrs. Decker-Beck has adjudicated the final round of competitions at the Annual SEMFA Fall Flute Festivals.
Flutist and Assistant Children's Choir Director, St. John Vianney Catholic Community, Shelby Twp., MI (1998-2011) Mrs. Decker-Beck is the principal flute soloist for Holy Days, Ordinary Time Masses, special occasions (such as First Communion Masses) at St. John Vianney under the direction of Minister of Music Cynthia Forsgren. Assisted Mrs. Forsgren with rehearsing, accompanying and accompanying the SJV Children's Choir.
Founding Chairperson, Metropolitan Detroit Musicians League Woodwind Student Achievement Testing (1992-2013) As the founding Chairperson of the Metropolitan Detroit Woodwind Studetn Achievement Testing, Mrs. Decker-Beck developed the standardized, sequential testing of performance, technique, aural theory, written theory and sight reading for private woodwind music students in the Metropolitan Detroit area. These achievement tests continue to serve as the MDML curricula. This program is administered by MDML, Michigan Music Teachers Association and Music Teachers National Association. For more information: www.mdmlonline.org.,